Organization Name - Rangers of Carolin
Organization Purpose - Bring justice and peace to Carolin City.
Organization Goals - Stop the evils of the MegaCorporatin, EvoTech and expose them for what they are.
Organization Description - We are an organization almost fully dedicated to the elimination of the EvoTech corporation. The other focuses are full justice for all the of cities residents and ways to fund our oraganization. To stop EvoTech, we will simply strike as the time is right, wait till they make a mistake (lab incident, files released to public, etc.) then use it to expose the evils of this corporation.
Job Ranks:
Guildmaster $120
TRIO $90
Commando $60
Archer $50
Intiate $30
Leader Name(s) - Greenwood Enclave
Leader Steamids - The steam ids of the leaders
If needed, I'll edit the name to match the city we are currently in, but I forget which one that is. Also, if this somehow gets accepted, I'll be on the server more often, if I can.