Division Description: The research and development division of EvoTech will serve the primary purpose for EvoTech, the progression biological, chemical, and physical technologies through any means necessary.
Job Descriptions:
R&D Chief of Staff - The overlord of the division. Will monitor the division as well as attempt to expand the organization overall. Will partake in transactions of either a large size or of high risk in terms of (il)legality.
R&D Research Coordinator - Managers of researchers and application developers. Responsible for the training of those in lower positions including interns interested in joining the division. Must provide feedback to the chief of staff regarding those seeking promotions.
R&D Applications Developer - Will consider/create legal ((and illegal)) applications for technologies developed by EvoTech. May also partake in marketing of products to those interested in such technologies.
R&D Researcher - A standard biological/chemical/physical researcher and practitioner. Must perform possibly controversial experimental "enhancements" on a variety of test subjects and develop new technologies (some of which may have militant applications).
Occupational Advancement - Based on quantitative output of workers (e.g. the number of experiments performed, applications developed, and employees trained/hired). ((This will heavily be based on the RP quality of those seeking promotions and intellect exhibited by the RP characters. In other words, one seeking to either work for or advance in EvoTech may want to refrain from usage of phrases such as "HAI!!!11 HAO R U!?1/" in the proximity of superiors though general mistakes will be tolerated)).
Application Format (all questions pertaining to the RP character):
- Code:
Current Job:
Steam ID:
Nationality/Race (Optional):
Reason for Joining:
How will you benefit EvoTech:
How can EvoTech benefit you:
Do you consider all life sacred:
Would you put yourself before others or others before yourself:
Brief background, possibly including educational experiences, strengths, and weaknesses that have not already mentioned, of yourself:
What goals do you wish to accomplish by joining EvoTech:
Additional comments:
((Note that there are no set answers required for the job. The manner in which one responds to the questions will hold greater importance in the reviewing process than the stated views.))